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GeoBritannica: Geological landscapes and the British peoples

Product Code: MPGEOB
Series: Miscellaneous titles
Author/Editor: By Mike Leeder & Joy Lawlor
Publication Date: 28 November 2016
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Published by Dunedin

GeoBritannica concerns the geological legacy of Britain, an inheritance bequeathed by its bedrock to the peoples who have lived on the island for the eleven millennia since the final spasms of the last Ice Ages. The authors explain the geological diversity of the landscape and the raw materials that it provides. They show how these materials have been utilised by society and by individuals in creative acts of the imagination. The reader will discover how regional environments and resources have enabled and inspired endeavours as diverse as planning, mining, quarrying, architecture, literature and the visual arts.

The authors provide a modern interpretation of the geological history of Britain and place this in its historic, social and artistic contexts. Why is geology so fascinating to us? How do geologists do their science? Why are the differing landscapes what, where and how they are? What is the nature of the geological foundations of the British landscapes? How have geological discoveries developed our understanding of the landscape of Britain over the past two hundred years? What is the geological context of the raw materials used in past and present industries and for historic and vernacular buildings? How have geological landscapes and materials influenced past and present architects, visual artists and writers?

This is a book for those wanting to develop a better understanding of Britain and to develop their love and understanding of the island which we inhabit.

Type: Book
Ten Digit ISBN:
Thirteen Digit ISBN: 9781780460604
Publisher: Dunedin Academic Press
Binding: Hardback
Pages: 320
Weight: 1.23 kg


Acknowledgements. Preface. Forewords. Author Statements.

Part 1 ‘the Little Space of this our Island’:

1. Introduction; 2. Affection for Things Geological; 3. Early Discoveries; 4. Works of the Imagination.

Part 2 Assembling the Geological Jigsaw:

5. Mapping; 6. ‘Deep Time’ and the ‘Mobile Earth’;

Part 3 Remembrance of Things Past:

7. Past Geography and Geological History.

Part 4 Material GeoBritannica:

8. Settlement and Communication; 9. Natural Resources – General; 10. Building Stone and Aggregates.

Part 5 Mineral GeoBritannica:

11. Metals and Mineral Salts; 12. Coal, Peat and Oil.

Part 6: ‘To show to the world what exists in nature’:

13. Architecture and Monuments; 14. Sculpture; 15. Painting; 16. Literature.

Part 7 GeoRegions:

17. Introduction; 18. Assynt Foreland and Outer Hebrides; 19. North West Highlands and Northern Islands; 20. Grampian Highlands and Argyll; 21. Midland Valley; 22. Formerly Volcanic Islands of the Inner Hebrides; 23. Southern Uplands and Galloway; 24. Scottish-English Borderlands; 25. Lakeland, its Surrounds and the Isle of Man; 26. North Pennines; 27. South Pennines; 28. English Midlands; 29. Welsh–English Borderlands; 30. Northern Wales; 31. Southern Wales; 32. South West England; 33. Southern England; 34. Eastern and Central Scarplands.

Glossary. Bibliography and Further Reading. Index


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