Hutton's Arse: 3 billion years of extraordinary geology in Scotland's Northern Highlands (2nd edition)
This is modern science wrapped up in good writing and humour: a rare combination.

Drawing Geological Structures
... provides a thorough, step-by-step practical guide to the art of geological drawing.

The Woodpecker Mystery: The inevitability of the improbable
Extraordinarily similar woodpeckers in South America and Africa? And not only woodpeckers: other bird families across a wide range, as well as quintessentially African trees native across South America, from Ecuador to Paraguay. How could this be?

Measures for Measure: Geology and the Industrial Revolution
... will appeal to all with an interest in the industrial history of Great Britain and its impact on the landscape, economy, social history and culture of the island. |

River Planet: Rivers from Deep Time to the Modern Crisis
Introduces readers to the epic geological history of the world’s rivers, from the first drop of rain on the Earth to the modern environmental crisis.

Breakthroughs in Geology: Ideas that transformed earth science
Of instant appeal to geologists and other earth scientists interested in how their science evolved over time by means of a number of revolutionary ideas ...

Waking the Giant
How a changing climate triggers earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes

Sedimentary Structures, 4th edition
Enhanced with colour photographs and illustrations, a thoroughly revised fourth edition.

The Enlightened Mr. Parkinson: The Pioneering Life of a Forgotten English Surgeon
The first scientific study of fossils in English, which led to fossil-hunting becoming the nation’s latest craze. Special offer price (while stocks last)

The Making of Europe: A geological history
Copiously illustrated in colour, this book will educate and inform all those who are interested in European geology.
Mountains: The origins of the Earth’s mountain systems
This title is aimed at those with an interest in mountains and in developing an understanding of the geological processes that create them.

GeoBritannica: Geological landscapes and the British peoples
This is a book for those wanting to develop a better understanding of Britain and to develop their love and understanding of the island which we inhabit.

The Abyss of Time: A study in geological time and Earth history
... written for environmentalists and policy-makers who wish to better place their concerns and decisions in proper context but, above all, it is a book that offers to share a geologist’s appreciation of time with the widest possible audience.

The Lewisian: Britain’s oldest rocks
Much of the extensive literature on the Lewisian is highly specialised and not easily accessible to the general reader; this book is an attempt to distil the most important results of this research into a more user-friendly form.