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Lyell Collection migration FAQs for administrators

The Geological Society is pleased to announce the migration of our journal and book content (the Lyell Collection) to the Atypon platform. The Atypon platform enables us to present the same high quality content you would expect from the Geological Society, with improved functionality and improved user experience.

If you have any questions contact us at any time please contact us by email.

When did the move happen?
27 July 2022

Sign up to our Lyell Collection migration newsletter to hear the latest news and information

Page contents
The migration
Access and Authentication
Usage reports
End Users
New URLs


Why has the Lyell Collection moved to a new platform?
The Lyell Collection has moved to the Atypon platform in order to offer an improved user experience and maximise the discoverability of our journal and book content for the Earth science community.

What about WAYFless URLs?
The new WAYFless URL format is:{entity}&redirectUri={target}  You can update URLs on or after 27 July 2022.

OpenAthens redirector URLs
OpenAthens will update these on your behalf.

What are the benefits of the move to the Atypon publishing platform?
The move will result in enhancements to the user experience, discoverability, accessibility and admin functionality.

Are there be any changes to browser support, accessibility, mobile access?
There are no changes to browser support and mobile access. Accessibility to all our websites is very important to us and the move will offer several accessibility improvements.

The new platform is optimised for supported modern browsers. If you are currently using Internet Explorer we encourage you to upgrade to the latest version of Edge, Firefox, Chrome, or Safari (for Mac users).

Who to contact should you have a question about the impact on your library
Please send us an email.

New features
The new platform offers the community an enhanced set of features and functions.

Is there anything I need to do to ensure continuity?
To ensure continuity and the best possible user experience, libraries are encouraged to make updates to URLs used in library catalogues, discovery tools and hyperlinks. We are working with our discovery partners to ensure that they are also updating their links, but libraries are responsible for some links, including their own locally held knowledge bases. Redirects may not work with these services and so we urge libraries to update them. 

A URL crosswalk list of the old and new URLs for each publication homepage and KBART files is available from the HOLDINGS section of the administrator dashboard. Please see the table below for the URL structure for each journal that will appear in the KBART file.

Are the the MARC records and KBART files updated?
Updated MARC records are available here. KBART files will be updated and available on The Geological Society website here and also on the Atypon Lyell Collection administrator dashboard.

Are there any changes to DOIs?
No changes will be made to the DOIs that GSL has published, but the DOI records will be updated to reflect the new location where the content is hosted. CrossRef will be provided with the new domain structure so that the DOIs direct users to the correct page immediately. Any short-term delays at Crossref will be covered by the permanent redirects implemented as part of the migration.

Do I need to do anything to ensure seamless access for my users?
Please update any referring URLs, proxy settings and Wayfless URLs as they will need endpoint changes to the new domains.

Are there any changes to off-campus access?
For off-campus access, Atypon supports federated access via Shibboleth and OpenAthens, as well as  Campus Activated Subscriber Access (CASA).

Who can I contact if I have a question?
Please send an email.

The migration

How does the move to a new platform impact linking from reading lists, bookmarked links, OPACs, etc?

Please let us know by emailing us if you find a broken link. Permanent redirects will be in place, but we recommend updating links to the new structure as soon as possible.

Sign up to our Lyell Collection migration newsletter to hear the latest news and information

Which third parties have you informed about the platform move?
We have been in touch with many organizations, such as CrossRef (including Crossmark and Fundref), Clarivate (Web of Science), Scopus, ProQuest, EBSCO, CCC and others. We are also working with OCLC to ensure EZproxy stanza changes are made as needed. If there are specific services you have questions about, please email us.

We have also informed CLOCKSS, Digital Science, GeoRef, Google Scholar and Researcher App so they can update their knowledgebases and discovery tools.

How will knowledge bases and discoverability services be affected? Do I need to do anything about this?
Knowledge bases should be updated by the service owners as we are actively working with discovery services and link resolvers including EBSCO, OCLC, ProQuest/Ex Libris), and Google Scholar to make sure that library OPACs seamlessly resolve access to The Lyell Collection content on the new platform.

However, if you do not see the updated links please check around the time of migration and talk to your discovery service account manager. If you hold your knowledge base locally you may need to make these changes yourself. Please report broken links to us as soon as you find them, making a note of the discovery service you have used.

Should I update my RSS Feed?
Yes. As our URLs have changed the original RSS feeds will no longer feed to your RSS reader. You can now set up new RSS feeds.

Has my administrator username and password changed?

The login details from Highwire will no longer work. Instructions on how to register on the new site were emailed from to all current administrators on 27 July. All users should log into the new platform using an email address and password using CONNECT. If you have not received a registration email please contact us.

I am an account administrator for an institution. What can I manage via the institutional account dashboard?

Lyell Collection My AccountOnce you are registered you can login as an individual to access usage reports, view SUSHI details, manage additional administrators, update IP addresses, configure link resolvers, manage your institutional logo and banner, and more, from My Account > Institutional Account.

Are COUNTER usage reports be available on the new platform?

New usage data from 27 July 2022 is available through the Atypon institutional admin tool. In the Usage Reports area of My Account click on "Go to Atypon Insights" to select, view and download usage reports. Please opt in to receive a notification email when new usage reports are available.

Historic usage data from 2014 to 26 July 2022 (from the previous HighWire platform) is available as a ZIP file on Atypon from 17 October 2022. Click on "Download Highwire Counter Statistics" in the Usage Reports area of My Account to download. Historic usage reports will remain available in compliance with COUNTER requirements for at least two full years. 

What happens when my Institutional Affiliation expires?

This affiliation is not linked to your administrator login – so you will still be able to login as an administrator after the 30 days expire. When you login from within the IP range of an institution or login using an institutional email address, an affiliation is automatically added to Institutional Affiliation on My Account. If you do not login for 30 days the Institutional Affiliation will expire. You can login again using the institutional email address or from a recognised IP to renew the affiliation.

Do I have the same Lyell Collection subscriber id number?

Yes, subscriber id numbers are the same.

Access and Authentication

What about WAYFless URLs?

The new WAYFless URL format is:{entity}&redirectUri={target} 

What about my proxy settings?
If you use EZprozy, the stanza will need to be updated. You can update this on migration day, but it is also possible to add the new hostname to the stanza before the migration day, as long as you do not remove the existing hostnames. This can be done by inserting the new URLs into the existing stanza. Institutional administrators will be able to set up proxy settings by accessing the institutional account dashboard and choosing ‘Trusted proxy server setup’ in the left-hand column.

Will I need to make any changes to the Shibboleth/OpenAthens set up?
While you will need to set up your Shibboleth and OpenAthens access (please feel free to email us for assistance), Literatum (Atypon hosting platform name) does support Shibboleth name/value pairs for SAML2 protocols.

Please review this list of Shibboleth Federations that the Lyell Collection will support at launch.
· ACOnet Identity Federation (Austria)
· Australian Access (Australia)
· COFRE (Chile)
· DFN-AAI (Germany)
· eduID (Czech Republic)   
· Federación Universidad del Bio-Bio (Chile)
· Gakunin (Japan)
· HEAL-Link (Greece)
· HEAnet Edugate (Ireland)
· IDEM (Italy)
· InCommon (US)
· OpenAthens
· RCTSaai (Portugal)
· RedIRIS (Spain)
· RENATER (France)
· SURF (Netherlands)
· SWITCH (Switzerland)
· UK Federation

Send us an email if your federation is not listed, so that we can pursue enabling it.
We are working closely with Atypon to import the current IDs, federations and affiliations for existing Shibboleth users.

End Users

Will users need to create a new account?

An email was sent to all current access administrators with instructions on how to register and activate their account on 27 July.

Have email alerts been migrated?

Alerts for eTOCs and content have been migrated so users will continue to receive the alerts for which they have signed up. If at any point you wish to change your alerts you will be asked to register on the new site using the same email address.

Will alerts for citations or corrections or saved searches be migrated?

Will articles purchased using pay-per-view still be accessible?
Content purchased on the HighWire platform is no longer accessible.

What is the URL of the new platform?

The umbrella page URL remains the same:

Each journal and book series URL have changed as below. All content URLs will be re-directed automatically.

Journal of the Geological Society
Previous URL:
New URL:
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology
Previous URL:
New URL:
Petroleum Geoscience
Previous URL:
New URL:
Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis
Previous URL:
New URL:
Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society
Previous URL:
New URL:
Scottish Journal of Geology
Previous UR:
New URL:
Special Publications
Previous URL:
New URL:
Previous URL:
New URL:
Engineering Geology Special Publications
Previous URL:
New URL:
Petroleum Geology Conference series
Previous URL:
New URL:
Historic content
Journal of Micropalaeontology (1982 - 2017)
Previous URL:
New URL:
Transactions of the Geological Society of London
Previous URL:
New URL:
Transactions of the Edinburgh Geological Society
Previous URL:
New URL:
Transactions of the Geological Society of Glasgow
Previous URL:
New URL:

The Lyell Collection