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Isle of Staffa

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100 Geosites: the Final List

100 Great Geosites

The UK and Ireland feature some of the most diverse and beautiful geology in the world, from the oldest Pre-Cambrian rocks to the youngest Quaternary sediments. Explore our list of 100 Great Geosites across the UK and Ireland.

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Connect & collaborate with GEON

The Geoscience Education and Outreach Network (GEON) is our brand new online network, bringing together individuals passionate about geoscience.

Outreach & Policy

We organise outreach events and activities in order to share our science widely, to inform public debate and inspire future geoscientists to address the challenges facing humanity. 

Our policy work aims to raise awareness of geoscience considerations in UK policymaking for the benefit of science, profession and society, and to seek out and maintain relationships with organisations both in the UK and around the world.


Activities range from our annual international celebration of geology - Earth Science Week - to exhibitions and themed projects. 

Policy and the geosciences

Updates for the press, policy makers and members of the public interested in how the geosciences interact with society. 

Contact us

The Outreach Team


The Policy Team


The Geological Society
Burlington House

T: +44 (0)20 7434 9944
F: +44 (0)20 7439 8975

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