We generally meet once per month for an evening talk. You can arrive from 6.00pm for a drink and some light snacks, and talks will begin at 6.30pm. If you would like to join the committee, join our mailing list or find out more about our forthcoming events, please contact Gemma Hickingbotham.
2020 news
Schools Geology Challenge 2020
Congratulations to Sheffield High School for winning the Yorkshire heat of the National Schools Geology Challenge 2020, who presented in line with the Geological Society's Year of Life. We are delighted that the year 12 group will be taking their presentation to the Challenge's national final at Burlington House, London, in March.

Early Career Geologist Award 2020
Congratulations to the winner of the Yorkshire Regional Heat of the Early Career Geologist Award, Charlotte Copley (Lithos), and the runner up, Felix Morgan (Jacobs). Good luck to Charlotte, who will be attending the finals at Burlington House in February! Thank you to all who took part in this year’s YRG heat of the ECG Awards, it was a great evening showcasing some fantastic projects.
Our events
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