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Hutton's Arse: 3 billion years of extraordinary geology in Scotland's Northern Highlands (2nd edition)

Product Code: MPHUT
Series: Miscellaneous titles
Author/Editor: By Malcolm Rider & Peter Harrison
Publication Date: 23 August 2019
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Published by Dunedin.

"pity the arse that's clagged to a head that will hunt stones"  James Hutton

Dimensions: 24 x 17 cm

The extraordinary and beautiful scenery of the Northern Scottish Highlands has been created by a geological history lasting over three billion years. The new and thoroughly up-dated edition of this popular book takes its readers through those three billion years, shows the rocks, visits the places, introduces some famous researchers and presents the geological theories that have been inspired by the Highlands. Even though the influence of this magnificent place can be overwhelming, the book is about geology and the modern science involved. It is written for all to understand. It is a book for non-specialists interested in modern science, scientists and all lovers of the Northern Scottish Highlands.

The text is sometimes light-hearted, but the science is serious. The subjects covered are as wide as he the splitting open of the North Atlantic Ocean: a time when the Earth resembled modern Mars; early continent formation; billion year old bacteria; the very beginnings of human evolution; Snowball Earth; and, inevitably, climate change. This is modern science wrapped up in good writing and humour: a rare combination.

Prices are subject to change at short notice due to publisher or supplier increase.

Type: Book
Ten Digit ISBN:
Thirteen Digit ISBN: 9781780460932
Publisher: Dunedin Academic Press
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 240
Weight: 0.85 kg


About the authors. 
1. A RED EARTH: The enigma of the ancient Torridonian
2. DEEP SCAR: THE MOINE THRUST: The story of a bitter scientific controversy
3. THE FISH GRAVES OF ACHANARRAS: Devonian fish are human ancestors
4. VOLCANO: The Tertiary volcanic province and the Atlantic opening
5. THE COMING ICE AGE: Past and future climates in the Highlands
6. LEFT-OVERS: The Lewisian Gneiss and the creation of continents
7. HUTTON’S ARSE (1795) Just another planet? 


David M. Jones (OUGS)

This beautifully written and produced second edition of the book (originally published in 2005) is another triumph for Dunedin, bringing back into print a book that I think every geol¬ogist should own — or at least read.

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