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Membership & Committee

Membership is open to all higher education departments with geoscience teaching or research interests.

Current Members & Executive Committee are listed on the Members Page.

University Geoscience UK



University Geoscience UK is the subject association of geoscience departments/schools based within universities in the British Isles (including geology, applied geology, Earth science, geophysics, geochemistry and some environmental science). Formerly known as CHUGD, University Geoscience UK promotes discussion and exchange of information between departments/schools, and provides a point of contact between these and professional, government and quality control agencies. Membership is at departmental/school rather than individual level and all heads of department/school, or their nominees, are ex officio departmental/school representatives. 


The purpose of University Geoscience UK is:

  • To provide a forum for discussion, expression of opinion and development of common approach in matters of importance to university departments, such relating to teaching and research.
  • To represent the interests of, and speak on behalf of, geoscience departments on advisory, discussion, assessment and management panels.
  • To encourage good practice, innovation and dissemination of information and material resources amongst geoscience departments.
  • To provide a focal and formal point of contact for the university geoscience community with government agencies, quality control agencies, the research councils and the higher education funding councils, as required from time to time.
  • To represent the interests of the university geoscience community in relation to quality assessment panels, such as for the teaching quality assessment and research assessment exercises.
  • To provide a channel of communication and operational liaison between the university geoscience community and professional bodies such as the Geological Society of London and the Earth Science Teachers Association.
  • To monitor developments and changes in the provision of geoscience teaching and research within universities in the British Isles and generate information and databases as resources permit.

Contact UGUK


Nick Koor

Executive Secretary

Dave Healy
University of Aberdeen

Papers & Resources


Minutes and Resources are available from the links below. Resources from before May 2015, when the Committee was known as CHUGD, are archived.

Minutes & Meeting Papers:

Newsletters & Reports, Safety Policies & Links: