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Recent Advances in Lower Carboniferous Geology

Product Code: SP107
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by P. Strogen, I.D. Somerville, and G.Ll. Jones
Publication Date: 04 March 1996
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Rocks of Lower Carboniferous age are widely developed across Europe. Apart from their instrinsic geological interest, they are hosts to major Zn-Pb-Cu-Ba deposits in Ireland and Au-FeS2 deposits in the Iberian Pyrite Belt. Further, the Upper Palaeozoic rocks of Europe are increasingly becoming the target of oil and gas exploration. The wealth of data on Lower Carboniferous rocks,while not guaranteeing success, will be an invaluable tool for exploration, 

This book brings together in one volume advances over the last decade in several specialist subdisciplines of geology. It contains papers on carbonate and clastic sedimentology, palaeontology, palaeoecology, stratigraphy and biostratigraphy, 


Type: Book
Ten Digit ISBN: 1-897799-58-6
Thirteen Digit ISBN: 978-1-897799-58-1
Publisher: GSL
Binding: Hardback
Pages: 472
Weight: 1.10 kg


Preface • Mineralization, hydrocarbons and diagenesis • JOHNSTON, J. D., COLLER, D., MILLAR, G. & CRITCHLEY, M. F. Basement structural controls on Carboniferous-hosted base metal mineral deposits in Ireland • SHEARLEY, E., REDMOND, P., KING, M. & GOOD MAN, R. Geological controls on mineralization and dolomitization of the Lisheen Zn-Pb-Ag Deposit, Co. Tipperary, Ireland • HOLLIS, C. & W ALKDEN, G. The use of burial diagenetic calcite cements to determine the controls upon hydrocarbon emplacement and mineralization on a carbonate platform, Derbyshire, England • VEALE, C. & PARNELL, J. Metal-organic interactions in the Dinantian Solway Basin, UK: inferences for oil migration studies • Carbonate buildups and Waulsortian mud-mounds • PICKARD, N. A. H. Evidence for microbial influence on the development of Lower Carboniferous buildups •AHR, W. M. & STANTON, R. J. JR. Constituent composition of Early Mississippian carbonate buildups and their level-bottom equivalents, Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico • KIRKBY, K. C. & HUNT, D. Episodic growth of a Waulsortian buildup: the Lower Carboniferous Muleshoe Mound, Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico, USA • JEFFERY, D. L. & STANTON, R. J. JR. Biotic gradients on a homoclinal ramp: the Alamogordo Member of the Lake Valley Formation, Lower Mississippian, New Mexico, USA • SOMERVILLE, 1. D., STROGEN, P., JONES, G. LL. & SOMERVILLE, H. E. A. Late Visean buildups at Kingscourt, Ireland: possible precursors for Upper Carboniferous bioherms • RODRIGUEZ, S. Development of coral reef-facies during the Visean at Los Santos de Maimona, SW Spain • Siliciclastic rocks • MORENO, c., SIERRA, S. & SAEZ, R. Evidence for catastrophism at the Famennian­Dinantian boundary in the Iberian Pyrite Belt • MAGUIRE, K., THOMPSON, J. & GOWLAND, S. Dinantian depositional environments along the northern margin of the Solway Basin • GRAHAM, J. R. Dinantian river systems and coastal zone sedimentation in northwest Ireland • Carbonate platforms and ramps • RIZZI, G. & BRAITHWAITE, c. J. R. Cyclic emersion surfaces and channels within Dinantian limestones hosting the giant Navan Zn-Pb deposit, Ireland • HORBURY, A. D. & ADAMS, A. E. Microfacies associations in Asbian carbonates: an example from the Urswick Limestone Formation of the southern Lake District, northern England 


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